Knowing the value of your business gives you a head start in planning for the future. Whether you are interested in buying or selling a business, knowing the true value of the entity provides you an advantage and will help you make an informed decision.

  • How is the value of the business determined?
  • How do I use that information to my advantage?
  • What will the tax consequences be?

This document provides some of the answers to those questions and identifies some key issues to be considered.

Do you want to know the real value of your business?

There are many reasons that knowing the value of a business are necessary.  In the situation of estate and gifting the value is important to ensure compliance with IRS rules.  In the situation of preparing to sell your business it is necessary to set a realistic and fair asking price.  In the situation of buying a business, it is critical to ensure that the business operations being purchased will support the purchase price.

Business valuations are useful for ownership transition, establishing buy/sell agreements, converting to a new business structure, financing purposes, gifting, estate planning, litigation, and many more situations.    They are also are a powerful business management tool and can help business owners identify strengths and weaknesses in their businesses which can be corrected to enhance the value of the business.

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